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Text File  |  1988-05-16  |  33KB  |  414 lines

  1.            Word Perfect 5.0 Command Reference Chart
  2.            ----------------------------------------
  4. Key          Feature                            Key Name                       
  6. Ctrl-F5      Add Password                       Text In/Out,2                  
  7. Shft-F7      Additional Printers                Print,S                        
  8. Shft-F8      Advance Up, Down or Line           Format,4                       
  9. Ctrl-PgUp    Advanced Macros                    Macro Commands                 
  10. Ctrl-F10     Advanced Macros, Help on           Macro Definition               
  11. Shft-F8      Align/Decimal Character            Format,4                       
  12. Ctrl-F6      Align on Tabs                      Tab Align                      
  13. Ctrl-F8      Appearance of Printed Text         Font                           
  14. Ctrl-F1      Append to Shell                    Shell                          
  15. Ctrl-F4      Append text to a file (Block On)   Move                           
  16. Ctrl-F8      Attributes, Printed                Font                           
  17. Shft-F1      Attributes, On-Screen              Setup,3                        
  18. Shift-F5     Automatic Paragraph Numbering      Date/Outline                   
  19. Alt-F5       Automatic Reference                Mark Text                      
  20. Shft-F1      Automatically Format and Rewrite   Setup,3                        
  21. Shft-F1      Auxiliary Files Location           Setup                          
  23. Backspace    Backspace (Delete)                 Backspace                      
  24. Shft-F1      Backup File(s), Automatic          Setup                          
  25. Shft-F1      Backup Directory Location          Setup,7                        
  26. Shft-F2      Backward Search                    <- Search                      
  27. Ctrl-F8      Base Font                          Font                           
  28. Shft-F1      Beep Options                       Setup,5                        
  29. Shft-F7      Binding                            Print                          
  30. Alt-F4       Block On/Off                       Block                          
  31. Ctrl-F4      Block, Append (Block On)           Move                           
  32. Shft-F6      Block, Center (Block On)           Center                         
  33. Del          Block, Delete (Block On)           Del                            
  34. Ctrl-F4      Block, Move (Block On)             Move                           
  35. Shft-F7      Block, Print (Block On)            Print                          
  36. Alt-F8       Block Protect (Block On)           Page Format                    
  37. Alt-F4, GoTo Block, Rehighlight                 Block, GoTo                    
  38. Ctrl-F8; F6  Bold Print                         Font,2; Bold                   
  39. Alt-F9       Border Style                       Graphics,1,4                   
  41. Alt-F7       Calculate Math                     Math/Columns                   
  42. F1           Cancel                             Cancel                         
  43. Home "/"     Cancel Hyphenation Code            Home "/"                       
  44. Shft-F7      Cancel Print Job(s)                Print,4                        
  45. Shft-F3      Capitalize Block (Block On)        Switch                         
  46. Alt-F9       Caption Number Style               Graphics,1,4                   
  47. Shft-F7      Cartridges and Fonts               Print,S,3                      
  48. Shft-F3      Case Conversion (Block On)         Switch                         
  49. Shft-F6      Center Text                        Center                         
  50. Shft-F8      Center Page (Top to Bottom)        Format,2                       
  51. Shft-F8      Center Tabs                        Format,1                       
  52. F5           Change Default Directory           List Files,7                   
  53. Shft-F5      Change Outline Numbering Style     Date/Outline,6                 
  54. Shft-F5      Change Text to Comment (Block On)  Text In/Out                    
  55. Ctrl-V       Character Set                      Compose                        
  56. Ctrl-F1      Clipboard                          Shell                          
  57. Alt-F3       Codes, Reveal                      Reveal codes                   
  58. Shft-F1      Colors/Fonts/Attributes            Setup,3                        
  59. Alt-F7       Column On/Off                      Math/Columns                   
  60. Ctrl-PgUp    Commands, Programming              Macro Commands                 
  61. Ctrl-F5      Comment in Document                Text In/Out                    
  62. Alt-F5       Compare Screen and Disk Documents  Mark Text,6                    
  63. Ctrl-V       Compose                            Compose                        
  64. Alt-F5       Concordance Definition             Mark Text,5,3                  
  65. Alt-F5       Condense Master Document           Mark Text,6                    
  66. Shft-F8      Conditional End of Page            Format,4                       
  67. Shft-F9      Control Characters                 Merge Codes                    
  68. Ctrl-F5      Convert Comment to Text            Text In/Out,5                  
  69. Ctrl-F5      Convert Text to Comment (Block On) Text In/Out                    
  70. Ctrl-F4      Copy a Block (Block On)            Move                           
  71. F5           Copy a File(s)                     List Files                     
  72. Ctrl-F4      Copy Text                          Move                           
  73. Ctrl-F2      Count Words                        Spell                          
  74. Arrow keys   Cursor Movement                    Home and Arrow keys            
  75.              Cursor Movement, Specialized       GoTo, Esc, Page/Screen Up & Dn 
  76. Shft-F1      Cursor Speed                       Setup                          
  77. Ctrl-F4      Cut text (Block On or Off)         Move                           
  79. Shft-F5      Date/Time - Insert or Define       Date/Outline                   
  80. Ctrl-F8      Double Underline Text              Font,2                         
  81. Shft-F8      Decimal/Align Character            Format,4                       
  82. Shft-F8      Decimal Tabs, Define               Format,1                       
  83. F5           Default Directory                  List Files                     
  84. Ctrl-F10     Define Macros                      Macro Define                   
  85. Shft-F5      Define Paragraph/Outline Numbering Date/Outline,6                 
  86. Shft-F7      Define Printer                     Print,S                        
  87. Alt -F5      Define ToC,Lists,ToA,Index         Mark Text,5                    
  88. F5           Delete File                        List Files                     
  89. Backspace    Delete Left                        Backspace                      
  90. Del          Delete Right                       Del                            
  91. Ctrl-End     Delete to End of Line              EOL                            
  92. Ctrl-PgDn    Delete to End of Page              EOP                            
  93. Home Bk/Del  Delete to Word Boundary            Home Bksp/Del                  
  94. Ctrl-F4      Delete Text                        Move                           
  95. Ctrl-Backsp  Delete Word                        Delete Word                    
  96. Ctrl-V       Diacriticals                       Compose                        
  97. Ctrl-F2      Dictionary                         Spell                          
  98. Ctrl-V       Digraphs                           Compose                        
  99. F5           Directory                          List Files                     
  100. Shft-F1      Display and Entry of Numbers       Setup,8                        
  101. F5           Display Disk Space                 List Files                     
  102. Shft-F1      Display Document Comments          Setup,3                        
  103. Shft-F8      Display Pitch                      Format,3                       
  104. Shft-F7      Display Print Jobs                 Print,4                        
  105. Shft-F1      Display Setup                      Setup                          
  106. Shft-F1      Document Backup                    Setup,1                        
  107. Shft-F8      Document Format                    Format                         
  108. Ctrl-F5      Document Comment(s)                Text In/Out,5                  
  109. Alt-F5       Document Compare                   Mark Text,6                    
  110. F5           Document Search                    List Files,9                   
  111. Shft-F8      Document Summary, Create/Edit      Format,3                       
  112. Shft-F1      Document Summary, on Save/Exit     Setup,5                        
  113. Ctrl-F5      DOS Text File In/Out               Text In/Out                    
  114. Shft-F7      Downloadable Fonts Path            Print,S,3                      
  115. Shft-F7      Download Fonts to Printer          Initialize Printer             
  116. Ctrl-F3      Draw Lines                         Screen,2                       
  117. Shft-F3      Dual Document Editing              Switch                         
  119. Ctrl-F5      Encrypt a Document                 Text In/Out,2                  
  120. F9           End of Field                       Merge R                        
  121. End          End of Line                        End                            
  122. Ctrl-End     End of Line, Delete to             Del EOL                        
  123. Ctrl-PgDn    End of Page, Delete to             Del EOP                        
  124. Shft-F9      End of Record                      Merge E                        
  125. Ctrl-F7      Endnote                            Footnote                       
  126. Ctrl-F7      Endnote Placement                  Footnote                       
  127. Shft-F1      Enhanced Keyboard Definition       Setup,6                        
  128. Alt-F8       Enter, Define for Styles           Style                          
  129. Alt-F10      Execute Macro                      Macro                          
  130. Ctrl-F9      Execute Merge                      Merge,1                        
  131. F7           Exit                               Exit                           
  132. Alt-F5       Expand Master Document             Mark Text,6                    
  133. Ctrl-V       Extended Characters                Compose                        
  134. Home F2      Extended Forward Search            Home, -> Search                
  135. Home Shft-F2 Extended Backward Search           Home, <- Search                
  136. Home Alt-F2  Extended Search & Replace          Home, Replace                  
  137. Ctrl-F8      Extra Large Print                  Font,1                         
  139. Shft-F1      Fast Save (unformatted)            Setup                          
  140. Shft-F1      Fast Text Display                  Setup,3,2                      
  141. Alt-F9       Figure Box, Define and Edit        Graphics                       
  142. F5           File Management                    List Files                     
  143. F5           File Search                        List Files,9                   
  144. F5           File Size                          List Files                     
  145. Shft-F1      Filename on the Status Line        Setup,3                        
  146. Ctrl-F8      Fine Print                         Font,1                         
  147. Alt-F9       First Level Numbering Method       Graphics,1,4                   
  148. Shft-F5      Fixed Paragraph Numbering          Date/Outline,5                 
  149. Alt-F6       Flush Right                        Flush Right                    
  150. Ctrl-F8      Font, Attributes                   Font                           
  151. Shft-F8      Font, Initial (Document)           Format,3                       
  152. Shft-F7      Font, Initial (Printer)            Print,S,3                      
  153. Ctrl-F8      Font, Base                         Font                           
  154. Shft-F8      Footers                            Format,2                       
  155. Ctrl-F7      Footnote                           Footnote                       
  156. Shft-F8      Force Odd/Even Page                Format,2                       
  157. Shft-F8      Format Line/Page/Doc./Other        Format                         
  158. Shft-F7      Forms, Define                      Print,S,3,4                    
  159. F2           Forward Search                     -> Search                      
  161. Alt-F5       Generate Tables, Indexes, etc.     Mark Text                      
  162. Ctrl-F5      Generic Word Processor Format      Text In/Out,3                  
  163. Shft-F7      Go (start printer)                 Print,4                        
  164. Ctrl-Home    Go To                              GoTo                           
  165. Ctrl-F1      Go to Shell                        Shell                          
  166. Alt-F9       Graphics                           Graphics                       
  167. Shft-F7      Graphics Quality                   Print                          
  168. Shft-F1      Graphics Screen Type               Setup,3                        
  169. Alt-F9       Gray Shading (% of black)          Graphics,1,4                   
  171. "-"          Hard Hyphen                        "-"                            
  172. Shft-F1      Hard Return Display Character      Setup,3                        
  173. Home-Space   Hard Space                         Home-Space                     
  174. Shft-F8      Headers                            Format,2                       
  175. F3           Help                               Help                           
  176. Alt-F9       Horizontal Line(s)                 Graphics,5                     
  177. Home "-"     Hyphen Character (minus)           Home "-"                       
  178. "-"          Hyphen, Hard                       "-"                            
  179. Ctrl "-"     Hyphen, Soft                       Ctrl "-"                       
  180. Shft-F8      Hyphenation On/Off                 Format,1                       
  181. Shft-F1      Hyphenation Module(s) Location     Setup,7                        
  182. Shft-F8      Hyphenation Zone                   Format,1                       
  184. F4           Indent Left Only                   -> Indent                      
  185. Shft-F4      Indent Left and Right              -> Indent <-                   
  186. Alt-F5       Index                              Mark Text                      
  187. Shft-F1      Initial Codes                      Setup,5                        
  188. Shft-F7      Initial Font, Printer              Print,S,3                      
  189. Shft-F8      Initial Font, Document             Format,3                       
  190. Shft-F1      Initial Settings, Default          Setup                          
  191. Shft-F8      Initial Settings, Document         Format,3                       
  192. Shft-F7      Initialize Printer                 Print                          
  193. Shft-F7      Initially Present (Forms)          Print,S,3,4,3                  
  194. Shft-F7      Initially Present (Cart. & Fonts)  Print,S,3,5,1                  
  195. Ins          Insert/Replace                     Ins                            
  196. Ctrl-V       Insert any Character               Compose                        
  197. Ctrl-V       International Characters           Compose                        
  198. Home-Enter   Invisible Soft Return              Home-Enter                     
  199. Alt -F10     Invoke Macro                       Macro                          
  200. Ctrl-F8      Italics Print                      Font,2                         
  202. Shft-F8      Justification On/Off               Format,1                       
  204. Shft-F8      Kerning                            Format,4,6                     
  205. Shft-F1      Keyboard Layout                    Setup                          
  207. Shft-F7      Landscape Orientation, Fonts       Print,S,3,5                    
  208. Shft-F7      Landscape Orientation, Forms       Print,S,3,4                    
  209. Shft-F8      Landscape Orientation, Paper       Format,2,8                     
  210. Shft-F8      Language                           Format,4                       
  211. Ctrl-F8      Large Print                        Font,1                         
  212. Shft-F8      Left and Right Margins             Format,1                       
  213. |<--         Left Margin Release                Left Margin Release            
  214. Shft-F8      Letter/Word Spacing                Format,4,6                     
  215. Ctrl-F3      Line Draw                          Screen                         
  216. Shft-F8      Line Format                        Format                         
  217. Alt-F9       Line, Graphics                     Graphics                       
  218. Shft-F8      Line Height                        Format,1                       
  219. Shft-F8      Line Numbering                     Format,1                       
  220. Shft-F8      Line Spacing                       Format,1                       
  221. F5           List Files                         List Files                     
  222. Alt -F5      Lists (Block On)                   Mark Text                      
  223. Shft-F1      Location of Auxiliary Files        Setup                          
  224. Shft-F7      Location of Form(s)                Print,S,3,4,3                  
  225. Ctrl-F5      Locked Document(s)                 Text In/Out,2                  
  226. Alt-F5       Long Form, Table of Auth.          Mark Text,5                    
  227. F5           Look at a File                     List Files                     
  228. Ctrl-F2      Look Up Word                       Spell,5                        
  230. Ctrl-PgUp    Macro Commands                     Macro Commands                 
  231. Ctrl-F10     Macro Commands, Help on            Macro Definition               
  232. Ctrl-F10     Macro, Define                      Macro Define                   
  233. Ctrl-F10     Macro Editor                       Ctrl-F10, Edit                 
  234. Alt-F10      Macro, Execute                     Macro                          
  235. Shft-F1      Main Dictionary(s) Location        Setup,7                        
  236. Shft-F8      Manual Hyphenation                 Format,1                       
  237. Shft-Tab     Margin Release                     Shft-Tab                       
  238. Shft-F8      Margins - Left and Right           Format,1                       
  239. Shft-F8      Margins - Top and Bottom           Format,2                       
  240. Alt-F5       Mark Text                          Mark Text                      
  241. Alt-F5       Master Document                    Mark Text,2                    
  242. Alt-F7       Math                               Math/Columns                   
  243. Alt-F7       Math Define                        Math/Columns                   
  244. Shft-F1      Menu Letter Display                Setup,3                        
  245. Ctrl-F9      Merge                              Merge/Sort                     
  246. Shft-F9      Merge Codes                        Merge Codes                    
  247. F9           Merge R                            Merge R                        
  248. Alt-F9       Minimum Offset from Paragraph      Graphics,1,4                   
  249. Ctrl-F4      Move                               Move                           
  250. F5           Move a File                        List Files                     
  251. Ctrl-F4      Move text                          Move                           
  253. Esc          n (set)                            Esc - # - Enter                
  254. Ctrl-Enter   New Page                           New Page                       
  255. Shft-F8      New Page Number                    Format,2                       
  256. Ctrl-F2      New Supplemental Dictionary        Spell                          
  257. Alt-F7       Newspaper Columns                  Math/Columns                   
  258. Ctrl-F8      Normal Font                        Font                           
  259. Shft-F8      Number Lines                       Format,1                       
  260. Shft-F7      Number of Copies                   Print                          
  262. Shft-F7      Offsets, Page                      Print,S,3,4,3                  
  263. Shft-F1      On-Screen Attributes               Setup,3                        
  264. Shft-F7      Orientation, Forms                 Print,S,3,4,3                  
  265. Shft-F1      Original Document Backup           Setup,1                        
  266. Shft-F1      Original Keyboard                  Setup,6                        
  267. F5           Other Directory                    List Files                     
  268. Shft-F8      Other Format                       Format                         
  269. Shft-F7      Other Print Disk                   Print,S                        
  270. Shft-F5      Outline                            Date/Outline                   
  271. Ctrl-F8      Outline style text                 Font,2                         
  272. Alt-F9       Outside Border Space               Graphics,1,4                   
  273. Shft-F8      Overstrike                         Format,4                       
  275. PgDn         Page Down                          PgDn                           
  276. PgUp         Page Up                            PgUp                           
  277. Shft-F8      Page Format                        Format                         
  278. Shft-F8      Page Format, Suppress              Format,9                       
  279. Shft-F7      Paper Location, Printer            Print,S,3                      
  280. Shft-F8      Page Length (Paper Size/Type)      Format,1                       
  281. Ctrl-Home    Page Number, Go To                 GoTo,page#                     
  282. Shft-F8      Page Number, New                   Format,2                       
  283. Ctrl-B       Page Number in Text                ^B (Ctrl-B)                    
  284. Shft-F8      Page Numbering                     Format,2                       
  285. Shft-F7      Page Offsets                       Print,S,3,4,3                  
  286. PgUp         Page Up                            PgUp                           
  287. Shft-F8      Paper Size and type                Format,2                       
  288. Shft-F5      Paragraph Numbering                Date/Outline                   
  289. Ctrl-F5      Password                           Text In/Out                    
  290. Shft-F7      Path for Downloadable Fonts        Print,S,3                      
  291. Shft-F7      Path for Printer Command Files     Print,S,3                      
  292. Shft-F8      Percent of Optimal Spacing         Format,4,6,3                   
  293. Alt-F9       Position of Caption                Graphics,1,4                   
  294. Ctrl-F9      Primary File, Merge                Merge/Sort                     
  295. Shft-F7      Printer Command Files Path         Print,S,3                      
  296. Shft-F7      Print                              Print                          
  297. Shft-F7      Print a Page                       Print                          
  298. Shft-F7      Print a Block (Block On)           Print                          
  299. Ctrl-F8      Print Color                        Font                           
  300. Shft-F7      Print Document on Disk             Print                          
  301. Shft-F7;F5   Print From Disk                    Print,3; List Files,4          
  302. Shft-F7      Print Full Document                Print                          
  303. Shft-F7      Print Quality                      Print                          
  304. Ctrl-F8      Printed Attributes                 Font                           
  305. Shft-F8      Printer Command                    Format,4,6                     
  306. Shft-F1      Printer Files Location             Setup,7                        
  307. Shft-F8      Printer Function                   Format,4                       
  308. Shft-F7      Printer Port                       Print,S,3                      
  309. Shft-F7      Printer Name                       Print,S,3                      
  310. Ctrl-PgUp    Program Macros                     Macro Commands                 
  311. Ctrl-F10     Program Macros, Help on            Macro Definition               
  312. Ctrl-F5      Protect a Document                 Text In/Out,2                  
  313. Shft-F8      Protect Block                      Format                         
  314. Shft-F7      .PRS file, Edit                    Print,S,E                      
  315. Shft-F7      .PRS files, View                   Print,S,1,4                    
  317. Ctrl-F4      Rectangle, Move/Copy (Block On)    Move                           
  318. Shft-F8      Redline Method                     Format,3                       
  319. Ctrl-F8      Redline Print                      Font,2                         
  320. Alt-F5       Reference, Auto                    Mark Text,1                    
  321. Alt-F5       Remove Redline and Strikeout       Mark Text,6                    
  322. F5           Rename File                        List Files                     
  323. Shft-F1      Repeat Value                       Setup,5                        
  324. Esc          Repetition Number (n)              Esc                            
  325. Shft-F7      Report Printer Status              Print,4                        
  326. Alt-F2       Replace                            Replace                        
  327. F1           Restore Deleted Text               Cancel                         
  328. Ctrl-F1      Retrieve Clipboard                 Shell                          
  329. Ctrl-F4      Retrieve Column                    Move                           
  330. Shft-F10     Retrieve Document                  Retrieve                       
  331. Ctrl-F5;F5   Retrieve DOS Text File             Text In/Out; List Files,5      
  332. Shft-F10;F5  Retrieve a File                    Retrieve; List Files           
  333. Ctrl-F4      Retrieve Text (Move key)           Move                           
  334. Alt-F3       Reveal Codes                       RevealCodes
  335. Shft-F2      Reverse Search                     <-Search
  336. Ctrl-F3      Rewrite Screen                    Screen
  337. Shft-F7      Rush Job                          Print,4
  339. F10          Save Text                          Save                           
  340. Ctrl-F3      Screen                             Screen                         
  341. +(Num Pad)   Screen Down                        Screen Down                    
  342. -(Num Pad)   Screen Up                          Screen Up                      
  343. Shft-F1      Screen Setup                       Setup,3                        
  344. Alt-F2       Search and Replace                 Replace                        
  345. F5           Search for Text in File(s)         List Files,9                   
  346. Ctrl-F9      Secondary File, Merge              Merge/Sort                     
  347. Alt-F3       See Codes                          Reveal Codes                   
  348. Shft-F7      Select Printer(s)                  Print                          
  349. Shft-F8      Set Pitch (Letter/Word Spacing)    Format,4,6,3                   
  350. Ctrl-F8      Shadow Print                       Font,2                         
  351. Shft-F7      Send Printer a "GO"                Print,4                        
  352. Shft-F7      Sheet Feeder                       Print,S,3                      
  353. Alt-F5       Short Form, Table of Auth.         Mark Text,4                    
  354. Shft-F1      Side-by-side Columns Display       Setup,3                        
  355. Ctrl-F8      Size of Print                      Font                           
  356. Ctrl-F8      Small Capitalized Print            Font,2                         
  357. Ctrl-F8      Small Print                        Font,1                         
  358. Ctrl "-"     Soft Hyphen                        Soft Hyphen                    
  359. Ctrl-F9      Sort                               Merge/Sort                     
  360. Shft-F8      Spacing                            Line Format                    
  361. Ctrl-F2      Spell                              Spell                          
  362. Shft-F1      Status Line Display                Setup,8                        
  363. Ctrl-F8      Strike-out Style or Print          Font,2                         
  364. Shft-F7      Stop Printer                       Print,4                        
  365. Alt-F8       Style                              Style                          
  366. Shft-F1      Style Library File Location        Setup,7                        
  367. Alt-F5       Subdocument                        Mark Text                      
  368. Ctrl-F8      Subscript Print                    Font,1                         
  369. Shft-F8      Summary                            Format,3                       
  370. Shft-F8      Suppress Formatting                Format,2                       
  371. Ctrl-F8      Superscript Print                  Font,1                         
  372. Shft-F3      Switch Document Screens            Switch                         
  374.   -->|       Tab                                Tab                            
  375. Ctrl-F6      Tab Align                          Tab Align                      
  376. Shft-F8      Tab Set                            Format,1                       
  377. Alt-F9       Table                              Graphics                       
  378. Alt-F5       Table of Authorities               Mark Text                      
  379. Ctrl-F4      Tabular Column                     Move                           
  380. Alt-F5       Target                             Mark Text,1                    
  381. Alt-F9       Text Box                           Graphics                       
  382. F5           Text In                            List Files                     
  383. Ctrl-F5      Text In/Out                        Text In/Out                    
  384. Shft-F7      Text Quality                       Print                          
  385. Alt-F1       Thesaurus                          Thesaurus                      
  386. Shft-F8      Thousands' Separator               Format,4                       
  387. Ctrl-F5      Time/Date                          Date/Outline                   
  388. Shft-F1      Timed Document Backup              Setup,1                        
  389. Shft-F8      Top and Bottom Margin              Format,2                       
  390. Shft-F7      Type Through                       Print                          
  391. Ins          Typeover Mode                      Ins                            
  393. F1           Undelete                           Cancel                         
  394. Ctrl-F8;F8   Underline Text                     Font,2; Underline              
  395. Shft-F8      Underline Spaces and Tabs          Format,4                       
  396. Shft-F1      Units of Measure                   Setup                          
  397. Ctrl-F5      Unlock a Document                  Text In/Out,2                  
  398. Shft-F3      Upper/Lower Case                   Switch                         
  399. Alt-F9       User-defined Box                   Graphics                       
  401. Alt-F9       Vertical Line                      Graphics,5                     
  402. Shft-F7      View Document                      Print                          
  403. Ctrl-F8      Very Large Print                   Font,1                         
  405. Shft-F8      Widow/Orphan Protection            Format,1                       
  406. Ctrl-F3      Window                             Screen                         
  407. Ctrl-L Arrow Word Left (move)                   Word Left                      
  408. Ctrl-R Arrow Word Right (move)                  Word Right                     
  409. F5           Word Search                        List Files                     
  410. Shft-F8      Word/Letter Spacing                Format,4,6                     
  411. Shft-F8      Word Spacing Justification Limits  Format,4,6                     
  412. Ctrl-F5      WP 4.2 format                      Text In/Out,4                  
  413. Ctrl-V       WordPerfect Character Set          Compose                        